Script Services are used by writers and producers to determine the quality of work-in-progress or completed scripts.
Insightful Script Analysis will highlight commercial strengths and weaknesses, artistic cohesion, and sometimes market considerations. It can confirm a great project, or point the way for important revisions.
Script Coverage is often used as a briefer but common tool that studios use to filter through potential scripts. Apart from that, they can give a good overview of the merits of the script to a potential producer.
At ProducersPortal, we over a third option, usually in connection with script coverage: Producer's Notes. Producer's Notes are not coverage, nor deep artistic analysis. They are the honest impressions and thoughts of a working producer, as they consider the script as if they were going to produce it. We feel this is more useful than deep analysis, and in concert with script coverage, will give the film maker a better understanding of the actual, "on the street" strengths of their script.