Development Is Key.
Development is the earliest stage of a property, but in fact goes beyond all the way through production and post to marketing.
Proper development puts your project into a form where it can be produced.
Proper and thorough development is essential for a commercially successful film. It goes beyond getting talent "attached." Development helps identify key elements, challenges, weaknesses and strengths in the script and prospective production design, considers marketing, merchandising and franchise planning. It plans for all these and more. (IPG members get 20% off all services through ProducersPortal.com). We classify development into two general categories:
Development for pitching - which can include pitch package consultation and creation and the various elements that go into it (often "powerpoint" pitch presentations).
Development & Packaging - this can range from script analysis and assistance in developing story, treatments, etc. to work in attaching key talent and creative team used to attract funding and/or make the project a better film. It can be as all encompassing as shaping the project's production design and creating the look and feel. It can sometimes involve negotiations, photo shoots or proof of concept productions, market analysis, casting, and much more.